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Apartment 4E

TV-MA | 87 min | 2013

A knock on the door from a stranger forces a suicidal woman to face a choice that will make the difference between life and death.

Piper (Nicole Beharie, The Last Fall, 42) is a beautiful, intelligent young woman with everything to live for.but she's trapped in a dark world of her own making. Deeply troubled, desperate and clutching a handgun, Piper has not left her apartment in a long time, and when there's a knock on the door, she will face a choice that will make the difference between life and death. This stranger may have the answers to the mystery at the center of Piper's world, or he may have his own reasons for tracking her down. The truth lies up the stairs and down the hall in APARTMENT 4E.


Nicole Beharie


Russell Leigh Sharman

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