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Daddy Sleepover

S2 : E1

TV-PG | 21 min | Aired: 07.31.23

Rosa unleashes on the Chalmers-Davis house, seemingly on the war-path after the revelation of Angie and Matias' relationship, with Dom the only one she feels like confiding in.

An Australian comedy-drama series about Olympia Chalmers-Davis, an overachieving 17-year-old student who has a surprise baby and the complications that ensue for the two families involved.


Claudia Karvan, Nathalie Morris, Carlos Sanson Jr., Angus Sampson, Ricardo Scheihing-Vasquez, Peter Thurnwald, Safia Arain, Paula Garcia

Executive Producers

Claudia Karvan, Kelsey Munro, Chris Chard, Nick Forward, John Edwards, Dan Edwards

full-episodes (20)

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