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Episode 1.1

S1 : E1

TV-MA | 29 min | Aired: 11.03.14

Hugh Bonneville introduces the show and some famous fans, including Jim Carrey, Richard Curtis, Noel Fielding, Robert Lindsay and Tracey Ullman. They discuss their love of the show.

The Monty Python comedy troupe has a long history, dating back to 1969. Throughout the decades, the troupe has gained a loyal following of millions of fans. Included among that following are a number of famous Python fans. This programme features some of comedy's biggest names - who also happen to be some of the group's celebrity fans - who talk about how the legendary group influenced their own careers and changed comedy. Steve Coogan, Mike Myers and Stephen Fry are some of the celebs who share their love of Monty Python. The five-part series also features some fan-favourite Python sketches, including the popular dead parrot sketch, and explains how they influenced other writers and performers.


Hugh Bonneville, Kate Beckingsale, Jim Carrety

Executive Producers

Hilary Rosen, Lucy Ansbro

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