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TV-14 | 95 min | 2018

Olympia is an aspiring artist struggling to develop a name for herself in the art world.

Olympia is an aspiring artist struggling to develop a name for herself in the art world. Soon, her mother is hospitalized, and Olympia's life begins to crumble, forcing her to find the courage to move forward and attain her dreams.


McKenzie Chinn, Charles Andrew Gardner, Ericka Ratcliff, LaNisa Renee Frederick, Penelope Walker, Sadieh Rifai, Shane Kenyon, Leah Karpel, Stef Tovar, Kelly O'Sullivan, Charin Alvarez, Larry Neumann Jr., Andrew Goetten, Joshua Rollins, Ben Fox, Cortney Mckenna, Lee Palmer, Nyimah Zavaleta, Timothy Farrell, Emmy Neira


Gregory Dixon

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