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Purple Haze

S1 : E10

TV-14 | 44 min | Aired: 09.19.06

Strange behavior exhibited by the townspeople is investigated by Carter, who has to solve the mystery before Stark makes a decision that could affect the world.

In the years since World War II, the U.S. government has been relocating the world's geniuses (and their families) to the Pacific Northwest town of Eureka. Daily life there shifts between amazing innovation and total chaos. U.S. Marshal Jack Carter learns this first-hand when his car breaks down in Eureka, stranding him among the town's eccentric citizens. When they unleash a scientific creation still unknown to the outside world, it's up to Carter to restore order. Subsequently, he's let in on one of America's best-kept secrets.


Colin Ferguson, Erica Cerra, Salli Richardson

Executive Producers

Jamie Paglia, Bruce Miller, Matthew Hastings, Stephen Welke, Paula Yoo, Wendy Wallace

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