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It's the End of the World as We Know It

S3 : E3

TV-14 | 45 min | Aired: 01.31.24

Abby represents an environmental activist whose devotion to the cause might cost him custody of his children.

Follows lawyer and recovering alcoholic Abigail Bianchi, struggling to put her career and family back together after hitting rock bottom. As a condition of her probation, Abby is forced to work at her estranged father's law firm. The result is a dysfunctional family law firm operating to help other families with their own dysfunctions.


Jewel Staite, Victor Garber, Layren Holly, Zach Smadu, Genelle Williams

Executive Producers

Susin Nielsen, Jordy Randall, Tom Cox, Erin Haskett, Andy Mikita

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